Images, Screenshots, and Memes related to Visual Novels are currently fine to post. No non-VN related submissions, no reposts from within under a year, no low-effort submissions. If a VNDB page for a newly announced VN is available, make sure to post it in the comments when you've submitted the post.Īfter submitting, mark the submission with the NSFW tag if unhidden 18+ material is contained in the post. To use furigana in your posts, use the following syntax: Hide spoilers like this: >!hidden spoilery text!! broken spoiler tag !< Ace Attorney), but only if OP makes it clear that discussing all games in a series without spoiler tags is okay. Play it safe.Īlways use spoiler tags in threads that are not about one specific VN. In threads that are marked as spoilers: no need to use spoiler tags, but keep the submitter's level of knowledge about the VN in mind. In threads not marked as spoilers always use spoiler tags everywhere in the comments. If there are untagged spoilers in your submission, mark it as spoilers. If your submission contain spoilers, mark it as spoilers after submitting, like this.
Read the sidebar and the full rules before posting. This is a community for discussing visual novels.